We all experience shocks and traumas in our life. They add up over time and, like rocks in a pack, will eventually reach a point where the size and number of them become more than the body and mind can handle. For some people, this tipping point will be reached later in life, for others it will show up as early as childhood. We are each unique in this regard. Treatment with me consists of gradually removing the rocks from your pack, thereby lightening your load, and improving your health and well-being in the process.

Signs your pack is full of rocks

  • Life feels like a burden – something to endure rather than enjoy
  • You feel stuck in life, no matter how much you try to change your external circumstances
  • Your ability to take in new experiences – new routines, new ideas, new points of view – is limited or feels constricted
  • You feel fundamentally different than you used to – you know that something in you has shifted
  • You had an event in your life that you felt you never fully recovered from
  • You are always tired no matter how much you sleep or how well you eat
  • You don’t have the energy to participate in activities you enjoy
  • You have been diagnosed with a disease by western medicine


As the parent, at some point along the way, you may have noticed a distinct shift in their personality and way of being. This shift may have expressed itself as a fairly obvious change such as the diagnosis of western medicine disease, disorder, or condition, or in a less obvious way such as you simply feeling they are no longer the same child. You may not be able to put a finger on what that is, you just know.

The goal of treatment is for you to regain your health and live life however you want.

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