I put these principles together based on what has been demonstrated to me over and over in my clients’ healing journies.
They serve as helpful reminders of why certain things are happening in a client’s life, particularly when on the surface, things don’t seem to make sense.
Instead of grouping several symptoms together, naming them a disease, and trying to fit clients into a pre-defined category, I allow these principles to guide treatment that delivers personalized health care.
Each of the above statements is explained in more detail below:

Really, it’s the soul that wants to heal. It only has so many ways of communicating with you, and your physical body is one of them.
This means sometimes symptoms will arise. People usually try to make symptoms disappear, but that is like shooting the messenger. There is wisdom in what your body is telling you through the symptoms you’re experiencing.

If you’ve ever played Jenga, you know how important it is to apply some strategy to which block you remove. You also know the configuration of the blocks changes with each person’s turn. You assess the blocks and make a decision. If you choose well, you will have removed a block while the other blocks remain undisturbed. If you didn’t choose so well, you will have removed a block and disturbed some or all of the remaining blocks, and they come tumbling down.
Our bodies work similarly. The body has a preferred order to follow in restoring health. I have come to understand that if you follow this preferred order, healing tends to be more complete and less disruptive to the individual than if you don’t.

A human being is actually multiple smaller systems operating within larger systems. Think of your digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, etc. These all work together and interact with the other systems to try to keep you healthy.
My wholistic model of health is also a system – the physical, mental, emotional, and soul / spiritual aspects of a person are each system that influences and interacts with one another. Everything is interconnected. This is why, when it comes to health, pretty much anything can cause anything. If we didn’t have this degree of interconnectedness, we wouldn’t be nearly as adaptable to our environment or be able to survive emergency situations as we are.

The events that happen in your life may seem random and, at times, difficult to understand. I have come to understand that life’s events are not random. They are happening for a reason, especially the events that happen repeatedly. These events point to something important for you that hasn’t yet been addressed. They are likely to continue to happen and possibly become more acute or serious in nature until they are addressed.
These events include the people we interact with in our personal and professional lives through accidents, injuries, things not going as we expected, strong emotional events, unfair treatment, misunderstandings, accusations, etc.

Each of us is unique in terms of life events we have already experienced, how we respond to these events, where each of us is at on our healing journey, genetics, personality, constitution, etc.
What works for one person may not work for another—in fact, it may make them worse. What is appropriate for one person at a given point in time may not be appropriate for another.
Therefore, I don’t use standard protocols. Rather, I have principles that guide how I practice.
To find out more about my services, download your FREE copy of my e-book ‘Are Wholistic Health Services A Good Fit For You?‘