This glossary contains words I use in my blog articles and during client appointments. How I have defined the terms here reflects how I use them in my practice.

Healing Reaction

A natural process where the physical body and mind are temporarily engaged in healing from a disease process that has recently been treated for. Typical symptoms of a healing reaction include runny nose, fatigue, headache, etc. Similar symptoms to those experienced when a person’s immune system has been activated in response to exposure to, say a cold virus. Symptoms may or may not be noticeable to the person experiencing a healing reaction.


The part of Heilkunst that focuses on the symptoms a patient is expressing and experiencing as a basis for prescribing a remedy.

Energy work

A broad term that includes a number of techniques used to clear an obstacle to health that exists as energy. For example, a belief.


Hahnemann’s term for his complete system of medicine and health that uses a principled approach. This approach includes using the Law of Opposites for matters of diet & lifestyle, and the Law of Similars for matters of disease. Homeopathy is a part of Heilkunst.

Samuel Hahnemann (1755 – 1843)

A medical doctor born in Germany who grew disillusioned with the standard medical practices he was administering to patients at the time and sought to develop a principled approach to health and healing. He would spend the rest of his life discovering, developing, and writing about Heilkunst.

Health Crisis

A health crisis is a period of intense physical, emotional, and often medical distress caused by a serious illness, chronic condition, or unexplained symptoms. It can arise from a new diagnosis, persistent health struggles, or the frustration of searching for answers when conventional treatments fail. For many, a health crisis is marked by uncertainty, repeated setbacks, and a growing sense of hopelessness. However, it can also be a turning point—a moment to seek deeper understanding, uncover root causes, and explore new paths toward healing and well-being.

Law of Similars

A natural law that, when used in the jurisdiction of disease, removes obstacles to a person being in their natural state of health. For example, when cutting an onion, often people’s eyes start to water. The homeopathic remedy made from onion is Allium Cepa, which is a remedy for hay fever where the eyes are watering with a runny nose. Another example is, if you burn your hand on the stove, running it under hot water would be the application of the Law of Similars.

Law of Opposites

A natural law that, when used in the jurisdiction of diet & lifestyle, allows the physical body to return to a state of balance. For example, if a person is dehydrated, drinking more water will return them to a state of balance for hydration. If someone is exercising too much, easing off on the amount of exercise will help return them to a state of balance.

Chronic Miasms

Hahnemann’s term for the diseases a person inherits from their biological parents who in turn inherited them from their parents, and so on up the line. He used the term ‘chronic’ because the diseases do not go away unless/until they are treated for. These diseases typically lie dormant in a person until an event or circumstance in their life triggers their expression.

Primal Fear State

An intense emotional state where a person is experiencing a situation as one of life or death. The state is the result of either an actual life-or-death situation or just the perception of one.


The strength of a remedy or collection of remedies is indicative of how deep it is able to act in a person. The higher the potency, the greater the therapeutic power, and the deeper it is able to act.


The personality and behavioural tendencies, likes and dislikes of a person in a state of health. It is something that is supported during treatment.


The name of my business reflects the paths each of us has taken in our lives that got us to where we are today.  I am interested in providing the pathways going forward that allow clients to move in the direction of increased health and enjoyment of life.

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