When I lost my health and was looking for ways to regain it, I ended up going on what would be a multi-year quest for answers. Most things I tried did not help me, but a few things did. And the things that did help resulted in steady and permanent improvements in my health.

At the time, I didn’t understand why, but after years of studying – learning – exploring – theorizing – testing – improving – I figured out why the things that worked actually worked and why the other things didn’t.

You will hear me say that each of us is unique in many ways, and that is very true. However, while each of us is unique, what is common to all of us are the reasons we get sick and the ways we can heal. These are the four main reasons we get sick:

  1. Diet & lifestyle habits that do not support health
  2. Carrying our past around with us
  3. Adaptations that served us at one time but no longer do
  4. False beliefs

I use these four main reasons to guide my understanding of why someone got sick and in turn, how I can best help them heal. If we understand why we got sick, we can confidently take steps in the direction of healing.

I have done all the hard work and lived all the above and used these reasons to guide my own healing. I invite you to benefit from my lived experience and what I have learned along the way.

What I do

I work with the body’s inherent desire to heal rather than try to force it to respond in a certain way. I use the four main categories listed above as a guide. The body is always telling us what it needs in order to heal. We just have to pay attention to what it’s saying.

Why what I do works

It’s grounded in natural law. You can break man’s laws, but the laws of nature cannot be broken. It’s just how it works.

I provide wholistic treatment that is not limited to the physical body and what is being expressed there. 

I treat each client as the unique individual that they are. That means:

  • I listen to what they are telling me and what they have been through
  • I honour the body’s inherent desire to heal
  • I respect the body’s order in which it wants heals
  • I don’t use standard protocols – I have never given that same protocol to more than one client.

Why I do what I do

I want to help others regain their health using the system of healing I have developed in my own journey of regaining my health. A system of healing that is based on principles and is grounded in natural law.

I want people to benefit from what I worked hard to learn and avoid the pitfalls I encountered.

I don’t want people to spend years and tens of thousands of dollars like I did, trying to regain their health with not much to show for their efforts. I don’t want people trying to recover from serious health issues with no system guiding treatment and without knowing whether what they’re doing is going to help them or not. That was painful, frustrating, and expensive. I want something better for you.

Meet Jennifer Stanier

I graduated with a Practitioner Diploma in Heilkunst (DHHP) from the Hahnemann College for Heilkunst in Ottawa, Ontario, in 2017 and have completed training in addressing digestive issues and correcting imbalances in how the body is functioning. I continue to take courses in natural health that complement my existing practice and further help clients regain their health.

Restoring Health Naturally