The purpose of these videos is solely to provide information and insight. They are not intended to diagnose any condition or dissuade viewers from taking any specific course of treatment or action. This content is for informational purposes only.

Samuel Hahneman

A brief overview of the German physician best known for creating homeopathy.


Heilkunst is a complete system of medicine grounded in natural law that provides a framework for supporting the healing process. Treatment honours the uniqueness of the individual and is tailored specifically to them.  

Understanding Lyme

Lyme disease has been identified as a chronic miasm, which refers to an underlying, persistent condition that does not resolve on its own. Miasms can remain dormant within an individual until triggered by significant life events or stressors, which can lead to their expression. In the case of Lyme disease, this may manifest as a range of physical and neurological symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, arthritis, digestive disturbances, joint stiffness, and dizziness.

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