I provide natural and wholistic health services to people who are interested in restoring or improving their health and well-being. Each treatment is personalized and gets results. I do this through the modalities of:
energy medicine to treat and remove the effects of shocks and traumas that a person accumulates in their life;
Heilkunst to remove obstacles to health and well-being; and
identification and correction of functional imbalances in the body.
Initial Consult (90 minutes)
An initial consultation takes 1 & 1/2 hours and provides an opportunity for me to understand:
your health history in greater detail;
the shocks and traumas you have accumulated in life;
your genetic influences; and
how your current diet & lifestyle habits may be contributing to your health issues.
The initial consultation includes your first set of personalized remedies and any relevant diet & lifestyle recommendations. As well, we’ll have time to discuss any questions you have.
After booking your Initial Consultation, you will receive an email with a link to the intake forms. Please ensure you have submitted completed forms at least 48 hours in advance of your Initial Consultation.
Initial Consultations are required to be paid for at the time of booking.
Once we have completed an initial consultation, I will have a complete picture of your life & health and the influences on both. From there, we will start systematically working through these at follow-up appointments:
clearing the effects of shocks and traumas;
identifying and correcting functional imbalances; and
introducing diet & lifestyle changes, as necessary.
Homeopathy is system of natural medicine based on the Law of Similars, meaning like cures like. If a substance causes a symptom in a healthy person, giving that same substance to someone who is already experiencing that symptom, will eliminate the condition in them. Homeopathy was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, a medical doctor, over 200 years ago in Germany.
A homeopath uses homeopathic remedies that are often made from plants, including herbs. The difference is that a homeopath prescribes remedies based on the Law of Similars, while an herbalist prescribes herbs based on the Law of Opposites. Remedies are energetic in nature (similar to a sound frequency) and herbs are material in nature (a substance that has a direct physiological effect on the body).
My specialization is removing obstacles to health, however they are presenting. I am interested in symptoms that someone is experiencing but I don’t focus on them. I’m more interested in the journey a person has taken so far in life that got them to where they are today with their health. For example, 3 different people could all be complaining of recurring headaches, but the underlying reason for each of their headaches could be completely different. For one person it could be due to not drinking enough water, for another it could be due to ongoing reactions to a food they’re consuming regularly, and for another it could be due to an unresolved emotional event in their life. By just focusing on the symptom of headache without digging deeper, it would be easy to tell each of these 3 people to drink more water, the problem is only one of them would likely find that their headache actually improved.
For how I practice, wholistic treatment acknowledges that some health issues that are expressed in the physical mind and body may not originate there. And if they don’t originate there, then it doesn’t make sense to treat them there. For example, if someone has a belief that they won’t ever be able to lose excess weight they have carried since childhood, then it’s possible that no amount of diet, exercise, weight loss aid, etc., will be able to overcome that belief, at least not sustainably over the long term. Once the belief is cleared, the possibility has opened up for the efforts on the physical level (diet, exercise, etc.) to start working in the absence of the belief that may have been overriding these efforts.
I use principles and methods that are designed to do just that, get to the root cause(s) of a client’s health issues. Once I understand the journey a client has taken to get to where they are today, in terms of health, we can start the process of lightening their load. Simply put, the load people are carrying is the unprocessed events in their lives, the cumulative effects of these events, and the limiting beliefs that may have been formed as a result of having experienced these events.
I have an office in my home in NW Calgary. For those not living in Calgary or for those who prefer, I offer consults online. Everything is the same as if we were in person, we’re just not in the same physical space. For online consultations, remedies are mailed to the client after the appointment.
Likely not. If you have a very liberally defined Health Spending Account then they may be covered. Otherwise, my services are not likely to be covered.
I suggest keeping a notebook for recording things like this. When you remember an event, write it down in your notebook and we will add it to your timeline at your next appointment.
I suggest keeping a notebook for recording things like this. When an event occurs, write it down in your notebook and we will discuss it at your next appointment. Record as much information as you can about the event including the scope of any medical treatment administered.
This is a great addition to your notebook! Keep track of observations and questions as we work through treatment and we can discuss them at your next appointment. If a new symptom has arisen that is particularly concerning to you, send me an email via my contact page. If you are feeling unwell or have sustained a serious injury and feel that you might need acute care, contact your nearest emergency centre. We can discuss the event(s) at your next appointment. Record in your notebook what happened including the medical treatment you underwent e.g. x-ray, pain meds, etc.
For any new events that involve medical treatment, record as much as you can in your notebook about the treatments administered, including any medications you were given, in preparation for your next appointment.
Appointments are usually once a month. This is dependent on whether there is an urgency to a client’s health condition being resolved and / or how quickly a client wants to work through their timeline. Appointments can be booked more frequently than once a month