These are the 4 main reasons we get sick:
- Diet & lifestyle habits that do not support health
- Carrying our past around with us
- Adaptations that served us at one time but no longer do
- False beliefs
Diet & Lifestyle Habits
There are 8 main influences on health related to diet & lifestyle. Each of the 8 can and often does impact the others.

Carrying Our Past Around With Us
Unprocessed life events (also called shocks & traumas) remain unprocessed in us and affect our ability to engage life and express our true selves. They also contribute to many different health issues because they interfere with our natural ways of being and functioning.
Find out more about shocks & traumas here.
This also includes holding on to past experiences and resentments toward others or life in general.
Adaptations That Served Us At One Time But No Longer Do
An example of this is a prior time in someone’s life when the body needed to focus on healing, such as after major surgery or a serious accident. While this was needed and beneficial at the time, once the healing had occurred, the body no longer needed to focus on healing nearly as much. It’s possible that the body became stuck in healing mode, and now the person has difficulty putting energy towards much else in life.
Another example is a prior time when we, for good reason, intentionally dim our light. Maybe we were working for a boss who was insecure and was concerned about being upstaged by their direct reports. If we chose to stay at that job, in order to make peace, we may have decided to intentionally not shine as bright. Not offering as many ideas and even detaching somewhat from work. Similar to the first example, while this was needed at the time, when we leave that job we might carry with us that contracted state and detachment to our next job even though it may be detrimental to our career development.
False Beliefs
This is a very broad category that includes any belief you can think of related to ourselves, what we believe about other people, what we believe about how life works, and the beliefs we take on from other people, institutions, and the media, either consciously or unconsciously.