Natural health options to support someone who is dealing with cancer
Cancer is often viewed solely as a physical disease, but this perspective overlooks its more profound implications.
Cancer, like many diseases, shows up in the physical body. However, to limit our understanding of WHY the disease showed up to just the physical, would be ignoring our wholistic nature.
The wholistic nature of humans means we are more than just our physical body – we are physical, emotional, mental, and soul / spiritual beings. Recognizing this, I offer a wholistic approach to restoring health. One that considers not only these 4 aspects, but also the potential interconnectedness of each of these aspects in a client. Thereby offering a comprehensive approach to those seeking natural treatment options to regain their health, including those who have been diagnosed with a disease.

I understand that a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, and the journey through treatment can be challenging and at times, unpredictable. My goal is to support you wholistically by acknowledging that there is more to you than just your physical body. And therefore, more that may need to be supported when trying to heal from cancer.
There are many different treatment options that fall under the category of natural health. I specialize in Heilkunst and homeopathy.
Developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century, Heilkunst is a complete medical system that takes a principled and systematic approach to healing. Heilkunst identifies and addresses the root causes of disease, which can and often do require consideration of other aspects of a person besides just the physical body, as described above.
Wholistic Support for Your Healing Journey
While surgery and conventional treatments can play important roles in addressing the physical aspect of cancer, it’s equally important to consider the other aspects of a person with the disease.
My practice is here to complement—not replace—any conventional medical treatments you may be undergoing. I believe in working alongside your conventional medical treatments, providing a supportive role in your overall plan to regain your health. My approach is grounded in natural law and based on the principles laid down by Samuel Hahnemann 200 years ago.
If you are interested in learning more about Heilkunst and how it can help you in your cancer journey, below is the free video series Understanding Cancer.
Part 1 – Perspectives on Cancer
Cancer carries a profound message for those it affects. By viewing cancer not just as a disease, Heilkunst offers a pathway to deeper understanding and healing. It encourages patients to listen to their bodies, address unresolved issues, and embrace a wholistic approach to health.
For cancer patients exploring natural health treatment options, Heilkunst medicine offers a promising approach. By addressing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of health, it provides a pathway to healing that acknowledges the complexity and interconnectedness of human well-being.