Natural Law, as it relates to health and healing, consists of 2 Laws:
The Law of Opposites and the Law of Similars.

Law of Opposites
The Law of Opposites is best used when trying to bring about balance in an area of the body.
For example, for things like Vitamin C levels in the body or the amount of sleep you get, you want these to be in balance – not too much, not too little.
If you have too much of something, you cut back. If you have little of something, you add.

Law of Similars
The Law of Similars is best used when clearing blockages to health such as physical and emotional shocks and traumas.
You aren’t trying to bring about any balance. The goal here is to remove what is blocking you from experiencing good health.
The Law of Opposites is one we are all familiar with.
Up and Down, Hot and Cold, Excess and Deficiency. This is a very useful and appropriate Law when trying to bring about balance in the body. For example, if you are not sleeping enough, you need to sleep more to bring this aspect of your health into balance.
If you aren’t drinking enough water, you need to increase your water intake to bring things into balance. If you are exercising too much and not giving your body sufficient time to recover, you have to reduce the frequency and possibly intensity of your exercise sessions to bring things back into balance. And so on. It’s all about balance – not too much and not too little, like baby bear’s porridge, just right.
In the work that I do, the Law of Opposites is the most appropriate approach to addressing diet and lifestyle habits.

Achieving Balance with Diet & Lifestyle Habits
The Law of Similars is less well known.
It is a very useful and appropriate Law when treating the shocks and traumas that a person experiences in their life.
As a simple example, a person stubs their toe on a door and swelling and bruising results. They could allow nature to take its course, which is to let it heal naturally, and over a period of days, the swelling will go down and the bruising reduced. Or you could employ the Law of Similars and use a remedy that removes the shock of the ‘stubbed toe’ event, which in turn, treats the swelling and bruising. This is what the remedy Arnica does.
Using remedies in this way removes the shock of the event, allowing the body to recover faster and more completely than if no treatment using the Law of Similars had been used. This is a simple example, but the principle behind it holds true for any shock and trauma a person experiences in their life. It’s called the Law of Similars because the remedy, in this case, Arnica, has a similar energetic vibration to that of swelling and bruising. Like noise-cancelling technology, the similarities in frequency cancel each other out. Match the remedy to the nature of the event, and you’ll be on your way to a complete recovery.

Noise-cancelling analogy for how remedies work
A stubbed toe is a simple and fairly routine example.
What if, instead of injuring your toe, you were in a car accident and ended up in the hospital for a few days? Is it possible the nature of the shocks and traumas associated with this event could hit you harder and deeper than the ones associated with a stubbed toe? And in turn, is it possible that the car accident might be more difficult to recover from by just ‘letting nature take its course’? A few rocks are added to your pack.
Now, what if a few weeks or months after your car accident and subsequent hospital stay, there is a sudden death in the family that hits you hard. That’s another rock added to your pack. And because it hit you hard, it would be a pretty big rock. As well, perhaps while all this is going on, work is quite stressful. You’re working longer hours than you wished you were and as a result, you don’t have time to eat healthy or exercise properly. Now your body is being stressed in multiple ways – traumatic events, high-stress levels, lack of nourishing food, and lack of exercise.

In the short term you’ll probably be ok. But what ends up happening most of the time, is that this way of being becomes the new normal for someone. And gradually, you will get worn down. Less energy, less vitality, less enthusiasm for life. This will continue unless you change something in your life. And I can help you do just that.
Book your appointment with me to clear the “rocks” in your pack.