What are shocks and traumas?
I talk about shocks and traumas a lot. So what are they?
A shock or trauma is any event in a person’s life that is:
- Unnatural; or
- Unexpected; or
- Overwhelming
They can be big events like a car accident, a heart attack, or abuse. They can also be events that we don’t necessarily think of as trauma, such as a divorce, a sports injury, or failing a course.
The extent and depth to which a person is impacted by a given event is unique to the individual experiencing it. People will be affected to different degrees by the same event.
An example of an event that is unnatural would be the injection of a freezing agent in preparation for dental work. Is this beneficial to us? Definitely. I don’t know anyone who would want to not be numb to the pain from getting a cavity filled. Is it natural? No. It would register as a shock in the physical body.
An example of an unexpected event is a car accident. You know it’s possible when you’re in a car, but people don’t typically expect it to happen. And if it does, it will often happen suddenly with little or no warning, and therefore is unexpected and will register as a shock.
Overwhelming depends on the person, their state at the time the event occurs, and, accordingly, their ability to process the event. Take, for example, the death of a grandparent. Is death unnatural? No. Is the death of an elderly relative in failing health unexpected? No. Could the death of a grandparent be overwhelming? Yes, absolutely it could, depending on the person’s ability to process the event at the time it occurred and whether they were ready to say goodbye to the grandparent.
What is overwhelming to one person may not have much of an impact on another. Each of us unique.
Not all 3 criteria listed above need to be present for an event to be experienced as a shock or trauma; just one of them is enough.
How I treat shocks & traumas is with the use of energetic remedies that work gently with your body’s innate desire and ability to heal. Once an event is cleared, it’s cleared and will no longer be weighing you down.