Why do animals need wholistic health services? 

The short answer is because pets live with humans. They experience similar shocks and traumas as people do, starting with birth through to the present time. 

Pets live in two worlds:

In many ways, they are not all that disconnected from nature. Watch a dog or cat feel compelled to chase a squirrel or a bird, and that gives you a sense of their instincts kicking in. The predator and prey dynamic of nature at play.

Pets also live in the human-created environment of the home with readily available food and warmth. Instead of nature being their home, our home is their home. Instead of nature providing them with what they need to survive; they look to us for food, security, safety, and shelter. In particular, cats and dogs are looking to their owners for cues as to their safety and well-being. If their human is experiencing sadness due to a recent loss, the pet will pick up on this and may start feeling sad themselves. 

If we are experiencing a stressful day, our pet will likely pick up on that. If we are perpetually in a stressful state, they will definitely pick up on this and may start taking on some of this stress themselves. The emotional life of animals can be very rich indeed and is strongly influenced by the emotional state of the environment in which both of you live – your home. 

Same as humans, there are the shocks and traumas in a pet’s life such as physical injuries, surgeries, medications, accidental poisonings, and emotional events, that can be treated for.

I use homeopathic remedies with animals to treat acute conditions, such as anxiety or a wound, as well as the accumulated shocks and traumas in their life, such as medical interventions, emotional events, fear states, injuries, being separated from their mother and littermates at too young an age, etc.

I also use flower essences to support the animal’s emotional well-being. 


Initial Consult (60 minutes)


An initial consultation provides an opportunity for me to understand:

  • your pet’s health history in greater detail;
  • the shocks and traumas they have accumulated in life; and
  • genetic influences.

The initial consultation includes the first set of personalized remedies and any relevant diet & lifestyle recommendations. As well, we’ll have time to discuss any questions you have.

After booking your Initial Consultation, you will receive an email with a link to the intake forms. Please ensure you have submitted completed forms at least 48 hours in advance of your Initial Consultation.

Initial Consultations are required to be paid for at the time of booking.

Book your Initial Consultation here.

Follow-up Consult (45 minutes)


Once we have completed an initial consultation, I will have a complete picture of your pet’s life & health and the influences on both. From there, we will start systematically working through these at follow-up appointments:

  • clearing the effects of shocks and traumas; and 
  • introducing diet changes, as necessary.

Book your Follow-up Consultation

Fees include GST and remedies.

Pricing is subject to change without notice. Quoted in Canadian Dollars.

Animal FAQs

No, it’s not necessary and would be stressful to the animal. I can learn all I need to know about your pet from the intake form you complete, any photos or videos of them you provide, and what we discuss during the appointment itself. Also see response to FAQ #2 below. Consultations for your pet can be done in person with just you or online.
A completed intake form along with any photos of health concerns such as skin conditions, growths, and anything visually abnormal for them. If you pet is exhibiting any concerning behaviours, it is best to record the behaviour and submit the video along with your completed intake form.
The easiest way is: For droppers, put a drop in their drinking water (providing they are the only animal drinking from it). Otherwise, add a drop to a small amount of water and give to them. For dry remedies, put the wafer on some food such as peanut butter or tuna, depending on your pet’s preference, and let them eat it from your hand or a bowl.
Because they live with humans and they have their own traumatic timelines to be treated for. Pets also have chronic miasms that are passed down from parents to offspring, just like humans. Depending on the events in an animal’s life, a miasm can be triggered into expression and will need to be treated for with remedies.
The cost of wholistic health treatment for an animal is shown on the Services Page. It includes remedies.
Pets (dogs, cats, bunnies, reptiles) and farm animals. Farm animals can have two types of events that may need to be treated for: collective events that each member of the group or herd experienced, such as a cold weather snap, and individual events, such as one animal of the group or herd sustaining an injury.
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Restoring Health Naturally